I’m not sure why I got this bee in my bonnet about making mustard from scratch…I think I was just looking for something new to can to give away as Christmas gifts? Anyway I went in search of the perfect recipe and I found one that was almost what I wanted but not quite. I made a few adjustments and this is what I came up with. I wanted it to be tangy, and seedy but not too seedy. This is super easy and quite good.
Start with 1 1/2 C. apple cider vinegar, and add 1/2 C each of brown mustard seeds and ground yellow mustard. Add 1 t. salt, 2 T. brown sugar, and 2 cloves of garlic. Let soak overnight (or I have left it for several days as well. No worries there).
Before soaking…

After soaking…

After soaking, grind up the mustard in a blender. A Bullet style blender works very nicely for this application. Grind until it is the consistency you want but usually I grind until it is pretty fine. I love my NutriBullet and use it all the time.
Put into 2 half-pint jars (there will be a tiny bit left over. Usually I have a sandwich).

Water bath for 10 minutes in boiling water.

And there you go. It is nicely spicy and slightly sweet. Honestly, if you give it a couple of days in the refrigerator, it’s quite a bit better. Fresh there is a slight bitterness to it. I love it more than any other commercial mustard I’ve had, and it is so easy to do. You can buy bulk mustard seeds and powder on Amazon very cheaply. You will see that I use this in multiple recipes.
[…] I did 10 eggs, about 1 T. onion, 2 T. sweet pickle relish, 2 T. spicy mustard (I used my homemade mustard), 1/4 C. Hellman’s light mayonnaise (everyone has their favorite but Hellman’s is all […]