We love dill pickles, particularly the kind that are refrigerated and never cooked because they’re so fresh and crisp. And they’re very low in calories, a great snack. Maddie could eat them all day. But they are SO expensive. Since I found this recipe I’ve been making them about once a month and it’s a huge cost savings, and it’s incredibly easy. It’s also nice because you can adjust the ingredients to suit you. If you like them spicy, add some sliced jalapenos, or some crushed red pepper. That adds a nice dimension. Or make them extra garlic-y if that’s what you love. Sometimes I do.
The essence of this recipe is 2 quarts of water, 1 1/2 C. apple cider vinegar, and 1/2 C. canning salt. I have found this can be any kind of non-iodized salt, and have used Kosher and Himalayan sea salt many times. This is why my cucumbers are slightly PINK.
To that I will add a handful of peppercorns, a bunch of dill, 4-6 large cloves of garlic (smashed with the side of a knife and the skins removed), a medium-sized onion peeled and sliced. You can add your jalapenos here or later, and if you’d like to add red pepper flakes.

Bring this to a boil and boil for about 3 to 5 minutes. Allow to cool to room temperature.
After the liquid is cool, slice your pickling cucumbers however you want them. I usually do quartered, then with the remainder of the liquid (if there is any) do slices and pieces. I use these for cheeseburgers, or chop up for tartar sauce or whatever pickle needs I might have. When I make these I usually purchase 10-12 pickling cucumbers and that fits close to the amount of liquid I have.
Add to canning jars, and pour liquid over. You can add the onions, dill, garlic, peppers, etc when you fill the jars depending on what you like your pickles to taste like. I usually just add a clove of garlic to each because I’ve found I don’t like my dill pickles that *dilly*. Go figure.
Let them sit for up to 3 days at room temperature, then refrigerate. During the summer I usually just let them sit at room temperature for 2 days, then refrigerate. They’re ready to eat after a day or two in the refrigerator.

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